Wednesday, January 4, 2012

In Year in Review and Preview

 "He will keep in perfect peace those whose mind are steadfast, for they trust in Him. Trust in the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock Eternal" - Isaiah 26:4

As 2011 came to a close, I spent the last month or so really just trying to catch up. It was a year of filled pursuit - being pursued by God as well as pursuing God like never before. Come November, I was weary - emotionally, physically, and relationally.

I needed to go home. 

The break in Iowa was a much needed return to a slower pace and filled with people I didn't need to talk around. It was salve to my soul.

During that time and a little before, I began to really think what I wanted my next year to be about. I thought about the people in my life that I looked up to and those I was drawn to. I thought about characteristics I saw in co-workers and leadership that I admired. ONE WORD. One word kept creeping into my mind -

       steadiness in SPIRIT

                      steadiness in BODY

                                       steadiness in PURSUIT

                                                        steadiness in PERSON

I want to cultivate a spirit of steadfastness 
in my passionate-living style. 

I've always been a 100% person and when I moved here I through myself into church service. Around Novemenber, I felt the need to draw back. Draw into myself, to evaluate what I wanted to do, what I could do, and where I could best be used. About that time, my job started ... well it was very different than expected. Over the last two months, I've done a lot of soul searching about the future, my passions and dreams. 

I want to learn how to pursue them both faithfully pursuing His call on my life
as well as humbly submitted to be in the place He has placed me. 

I want to be present and I want to be a women of my word. 

If I say I want to do something, how do I take the steps to ACTUALLY DO IT!

Thus, over the next year, I pledge myself to:
  • Spirit: I will read through the Bible. Though I've done it in pieces, I've never been good at consistency in being in the word nor have I ever read it through in a year. This year I will.

  • Body: I used to be a very disciplined person in my physical life - working out and eating well. Then I got sick about three years ago and never got back to a good spot in either my body image or in my  routine. That will change. I will respect my body and what it can and cannot do. In eating, I will be better at staying away from the food that I'm not supposed to eat. In working out, I will work out 4 to 6 times a week and run the Chicago Marathon in the fall (Lord willing!)

  • Pursuit: I will take my time and pray through what to be busy with. Whether social or church or work, I will take the time to prayfully consider where God would have my invest myself and then do it with my whole heart. I will not feel bad about saying no to the person, things, and pursuits that hurt me. 

  • Person: I want to seek steadiness in my relationships. I want to be there for the people who are in my life, not just when I feel like it or I need something, but in a steady consistent way that lets them know their value. I will be a daughter of Christ first a foremost and a sister in Christ second off. I will be there for my family. I will be there for my friends. I will be there for those God places in my life
   I want to be a person God and people can count on.
In that spirit, I will be blogging once a week as a way to reflect on what He's been doing as well as how I've been doing over the last week.

I covet your thoughts and prayers over the year and would love to pray for you in your new years pursuits! Feel free to drop them in the comment box below or email me!

Here's to a doing life in 2012!

Here's some reflects and words of joy to fill your day!

Living with joy is more of a choice...its a battle!

Learn to laugh more, intentionally choose to think about things that bring you peace, listen to great music or simply make a choice to be around people who you love and who accept you for who you are.
God in my hoping. There in my dreaming. God in my my my my my my healing
PEACE - it dies not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. it means to be in the midst of those things and still be CALM IN YOUR HEART.
Courage isn't always a roar. Sometimes it is the quiet voice at the end of the day that says "TOMORROW I WILL TRY AGAIN."
I don't wanna look back and wonder
if good enough could've been better
Everyday's a day to start over
And I'm not gonna wait until tomorrow
Why am I so afraid of the dark but I stray from the light?...
I wanna know why You gave me eyes when faith is how I see...
How could success make us feel like failures... the harder we fall the harder we try...
we all wanna understand why evil lives and good men die...
I wanna know all the answers but I'm learning that these things take time
- Sanctus Real
Today, I wish you a day of ordinary miracles...
           ....A fresh pot of coffee you didn’t make yourself.
                ....An unexpected phone call from an old friend.
                    ....Green stoplights on your way to work or shop.
I wish you a day of little things to rejoice in...
           ....The fastest line at the grocery store.
               ....A good sing along song on the radio.
                   ....Your keys right where you look.


  1. Steadfastness is an excellent choice of themes. Wow. It is also a weighty one that will honor the Lord, I'm certain. Praying for your faithfulness to see HIS faithfulness to keep you steadfast this year.

  2. Jen, it's wonderful to hear your One Word for 2012 is steadfastness.. it reflect what you've expressed in your time in IA... time to rest and see God in the coming year. Thanks for starting off the journey of faith with us in the faith jam!
