Saturday, January 21, 2012

Week 3 - DaNce

Life's a dance you learn as you go, 
sometimes you lead & sometimes you follow - Don't worry about what you don't know
Life's a dance you learn as you go

There is a lot said about dancing and quotes declaring meaning...

- poetry in motion
                - Dance like no one's watching
                                  - release of the soul's true self
                                                      - movements of the devil
                                                                             - worship in action
                                                                                          ... the list could goes on and one.

It's my personal opinion that ANYONE can dance! Yes, you heard me right - ANYONE can dance!

Let me tell you why:

1) Dancing is all about attitude

Though this might be slightly overstated since dancing does require a basic beat, I think you get the idea. Like most things in life, it's not about what you do as much as the motivation and mindset you do it from. Dancing is about letting loose and having fun!! So however you dance - own it! If you dance like a rabbit (as my friend was recently told :)), groove to rhythm of reggae, bump to some sick bass lines, mosh it up to some rock, or can be the ballerina in the room, own it - even it it means 90 degree angles, arms at waist, swaying (...anyone catch that reference??)

2) It's about who or what you're following

Like it or not, in dance you're never really in charge. Sure you're ultimately in control of how your body moves but you're always following something - the beat, the choregrapher's steps, your partner.

We'd like to know the next ten steps of life, but lets be often does that really happen. Though there are exceptions such as dance performances, the great thing about dance is it just kind of happens. When you're in the groove, you're not thinking about what move comes next or what way should I sway or should I clap or snap -- you just do it. I think this is the way we're meant to live life. Being a girl, I'm learning the hard art of following!! but figure it's good practice for my life since I'm always supposed to follow Someone else.

3) Dance is a lot like life - 

We learn it and perfect it as we go. There's nobody - not even a protege - would stands for the first time and does a perfect plea or who crunks instead of walks. Though they may have the beat and ability for physically motions, time and practice is needed to perfect the movements and hone their skills to hear and interpret the sounds of music.  It's a learning process of wrong steps, stretching, and practice. 

 And THAT'S a lot like life...isn't it?? 

We're all works in progress just trying to find the right steps to our life song -- on that we may  not pick or always enjoy - but it's the one that's playing, so find the rhythm, adapt, and OWN IT!

Like most things in life, my philosophy on dancing has taught me more than I realized. So...
Stop standing on the side lines of life and
 get out there
shake what your momma gave you!

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