Sunday, July 29, 2012


Now that it's officially halfway through my marathon training and fundraising, I thought it was time to give an update! Yesterday I officially ran half the distance of the marathon (!!) so we're right on track (...even if a little slow.) 

But do you know what keeps me going on those long runs??

The stories and words from the girls in the Girls in the Game programs. This is the email I received this week:

Monday, July 16, 2012


So often in our journeys, what we desire is not bigger hills or deeper streams to forge. But neither is it easy paths or winding meadows. What we want is the peace that we're going the right way. We want the peace that things will be okay. We want the peace of a happy ending.

          ...But this isn't what's been promised to us.

No, Christ promised us peace but a peace that passes all understanding. If we always understand the road or the companions on the raod with us...well then why would we need Christ and His peace.

In the Christian faith there have become cliche verses: John 3:11, Philippians 4:1, ect ect. And while they're great and such an encouragement at times, what about the context of those verses.

Often, I've been referr to the verse "Do not be anxious.." (Philippians 4:6) but read what comes before that: