Friday, August 19, 2011

Breath. Rest. Peace.

    So I daily get a blog called (in)courage which sends member blog postings. Somedays there seems to be a theme; but most days it’s just words from women of God’s hearts. Today’s were the latter but I found a patchword of peace speaking to me through each one.

Recently I moved, I started an internship, Igot a job offer, and then I got sick. So today I have about hundred things to do and less than that amount of time to get them done. But today, I recieved the ever present message of peace from sisters.

They said:

I don’t mean that flippantly, and it’s not passive, either.  Breathing–slowing down–requires resolve and intention…I say this again with much love and respect and as gently as I know how–every incourage post isn’t for everyone ~
                 Slow down.
                         Give it time.
In that space, it’s okay to be angry; it’s fine to want out.  But instead of acting on those negative emotions and feelings….
              Bathe in the word.
                      Pursue Godly council.
                             Seek to understand before you seek to be understood. 


They said:

Women sometimes joke about feeling as if we need to be like Wonder Woman in our daily lives…Many of us also harbor a secret—one we share with only a few people. Despite our Herculean efforts, our endless giving, and our selfless devotion…they never feel like enough.
In the kingdom of God, we’re all Wonder Women.

   Life is hard sometimes—

       crazy, mixed-up, messed up.

             And there you are in the middle of it all,

just doing your thing… 
being strong and brave
and beautiful
like it’s no big deal.
 But let me tell you, girl, it is.

...Not everyone can do what you can do.
...Not everyone can handle things the way you can.
...And while you wonder sometimes if you’re doing okay…

the rest of us are just
watching in wonder.

They say:

I am discovering a bit of *freedom* in the living when I stop focusing so much.

When I stop taking everything so seriously, take a deep breath and relax a little bit…

I receive Peace. I find rest.

A lot of what we experience shouldn’t affect us like it does.
     Really, it’s not his fault or her fault or their fault for our intense living.
We are responsible for our own thoughts, actions and feelings.

This is what Solomon meant when he said, “Above all else, guard your heart…” [Proverbs 4:23]

When we take it all so seriously, our hearts implode into our living.

This is the place–the thin place–where we He Lives.

Trusting that God knows better than we do is Grace to breathe.

He wants us to live in peace.
He wants us to trust Him.
He wants us to lessen the vice grip we have on life.
Because really, our days needn’t be as hard as we make them out to be.

It. [Really.] Doesn’t. Matter.

How do you get your life back after you’ve squeezed the joy out of it so hard that it suffocated?
How do you revive your living relationships that have been burned by your laser focus?

It is only in resting in His arms, in trusting that He has purpose in all (even their messes), and in choosing to lay down your worries and receive His peace.

Let go of what you’ve been clinging to a little too tightly.
Let go of the shoulds and the musts and the certainty that you know best.
Just let go.

Let yourself rest {in Grace}.

Bask in it. Bathe in it. Dive in it. Dance in it. Jump in it and splash about in it.

You might find yourself suddenly a bit exhausted and needing a nap. Take it. And when you awaken, remind yourself not to take it all so seriously.

His Grace is big enough to make purpose out of Every. Thing.

Won’t you take a step today and Trust Him

for what He wants to do in their living,
and even in your living?
It just might save your life.


I guess that’s my message from God today —

Peace - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. it means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart (unkown)

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