Oh that glorious day...
...that day when you finally clean out all your spare change.
It doesn't matter if it's taking it out of your purse (or pocket...) or bringing in that change jar to the bank.
Whether it's cleaning it out with just enough to pay for your parking, getting that $40 back from the bank, or finding just enough to get laundry done for the day; you suddenly feel freer, lighter, maybe even a little bit richer.
Now think of how easy, how painless that was. What a burden you didn't even know you were carrying!
But sometimes you do.
Sometimes you do realize the burden.
Sometimes life feels like this too. The few extra pounds you carried over since last year, a few extra words that could be band from your speech, maybe even a few extra dollars spent on yourself. And sometimes, it's something a little bit bigger, something a little bit deeper, something that will take a little more time and energy to dig up than putting change into a jar.
I have a burden like that. I have a burden that I can't quite put my finger on, that I haven't found exactly the right words to express it, that I can't seem to shake off or push away.
- It's a burden for childhood -
We've all seen the pictures of starving children in the third world. We've all heard that stat that more than 1/3rds of the world is living on less than $2 a day. We've all had our heart strings pulled to push us towards touching that pocket book.
But did you know that in 2011, 2.8 children in the United States are living on less than $2?
People living in poverty, especially this high of rates, experience more health issues, violence, and crime. This is especially true for children growing up in poverty. Family pressures only add to unsettled situations poverty puts families in, often causing violence within the home and homelessness. Girls are especially vulnerable to situations of abuse, turning to anyone or anything that makes them feel secure and loved. However, more often than not, it leads to further danger and damage in girls' lives.In Micah 6:8 that says "What does the Lord require of you oh man? To do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God." I have a burden for justice, but not justice, justice with mercy.
It's this type of justice that doesn't exact punishment, but heaps on restoration. It doesn't look to kill but to heal. It's a burden to do right by all people here on this earth. It's a burden to bind up the wounds and be voice for the voiceless. It's a burden to bring up a child in the way of the Lord. It's a burden to be the hands and feet of Christ. It's a burden to speak about Jesus every moment of my life; an when necessary use words.
Yesterday kicked off my official marathon training with Girls in the Game. Over the next 5 months, I'm going to be freeing myself of some of those little life burdens - a few pounds, a few less chocolate bars, and few less hours of TV or sleep. But nothing compared to what thousands of boys and girls go without each day. This is my burden -- to help make a difference in these children's lives.
Would you join me?
Would you save your change over the next 26 (25, 24, 23....) weeks and donate it towards my fundraising efforts?
Save some CHANGE to CHANGE a child's life
Would you save your change over the next 26 (25, 24, 23....) weeks and donate it towards my fundraising efforts?
Save some CHANGE to CHANGE a child's life
Here is my fundraising page: http://www.active.com/donate/girlsinthegame2012/jmve
For more information, just leave a comment or ask through my blog contact.
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