After my Lent experiment of writing every day, I've taken a little bit of a break. The last two weeks have been a little feast and famine in my life - chaos and solitude - that allowed me to space to remember and reflect on the business of the last several moments, months, and moves.
However, it also happened to remember me of my new year's commitment to
I remember committing to steadfastness in mind, body, spirit, and relationships. To making priorities and living in them. To talk in action and not words. And to write in this space at least once a week.
I also remembered how far I have NOT come on my resolution for steadfastness. This year has only been four months and already I have gone through cycles of crazy business and restless numbing boredom. I've raced through life without intention and yet failed to race at all. I have not started exercising regularly and my eating habits go more with my mood than my stated plans.
Yet in this I find grace. A grace that before moving to DC almost 9 months ago, I had never truly experienced. The type of grace you can extend to yourself and let yourself rest in. The type of grace that allows you to hold on to the lessons of the past but not the memories or emotions. That type of grace that allows you to readjust or change course after realizing you've been heading in the wrong direction. The type of grace that rocks me to sleep each night and is new every morning.
So even if I have failed to be intentional in steadfastness these last four months, I can say that I'm definitely learning to be STEADFAST IN GRACE.
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