What did I learn this week...?
...you don't magically work with amazing supportive co-workers
...you can't loose weight while you have wine, chocolate covered strawberries and popcorn for supper.
...you don't get to meet Prince Charming just because you're dressed like Cinderella.
...sometimes he turns out to not be YOUR Prince Charming.
...sometimes you bake cookies and build furniture in the same night.
Growing up, I never didn't think that marriage would be in the picture, that I'd need to learn how to do my own budget becuase I'd marry someone to take care of it, that I would need to learn and weigh the risks and benefits of condo ownership...and so much more.
But do you know what else I've learned...that's okay. It's more than okay that life turned out different - IT'S BETTER because I have been given a path and destiny designed specifically for me by the One who loves me and believes in my more than even I do.
Life doesn't usually go the way you think.
...you don't get to change the world at work everyday....you don't magically work with amazing supportive co-workers
...you can't loose weight while you have wine, chocolate covered strawberries and popcorn for supper.

...sometimes he turns out to not be YOUR Prince Charming.
...sometimes you bake cookies and build furniture in the same night.
...sometimes you edit photos while you scream at the refs on TV.
Growing up, I never didn't think that marriage would be in the picture, that I'd need to learn how to do my own budget becuase I'd marry someone to take care of it, that I would need to learn and weigh the risks and benefits of condo ownership...and so much more.
But do you know what else I've learned...that's okay. It's more than okay that life turned out different - IT'S BETTER because I have been given a path and destiny designed specifically for me by the One who loves me and believes in my more than even I do.
So here's to putting on my
"big girl panties"
and doing life the way He has says how
through the mundane frog times and the bright and shiny prince times
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